Yaroslav ‘s Courtyard

Yaroslavovo Dvorishche is a historical architectural complex on the Trading Side of Veliky Novgorod, which, along with the Novgorod Kremlin, is the main architectural dominant of the historical center of the city


1227 – the speech of the Magi in Novgorod: “Izhgosha vlhvy4, doing e indulgences really, and God knows; and burning them in Yaroslavl yard” [2]. The news of the Novgorod I Chronicle under the year 1271 [not in the source] and the Novgorod IV Chronicle under the year 1406[3] about the fires in the Yaroslav’s Courtyard make it possible to localize it between the Gothic and German “courtyards” of foreign merchants, to the north, south and east of the Nikolo-Dvorishensky Cathedral – the main temple of the courtyard.

About the monument

Yaroslavovo Dvorishche is a historical architectural complex on the Trading Side of Veliky Novgorod, which, along with the Novgorod Kremlin, is the main architectural dominant of the historical center of the city

Currently, the Yaroslavovo Dvorishche and Torg tract includes a vast space between Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street and the bank of the Volkhov and between Ivanskaya and Nikolskaya Streets, which is somewhat different from the original topography of both tracts, both Yaroslavova Dvorishche and Torg.

Origin of the name. Yaroslav ‘s courtyard in ancient times

1227 – the speech of the Magi in Novgorod: “Izhgosha vlhvy4, doing e indulgences really, and God knows; and burning them in Yaroslavl yard.” The news of the Novgorod I Chronicle under the year 1271 and the Novgorod IV Chronicle under the year 1406 about the fires in the Yaroslav’s Courtyard make it possible to localize it between the Gothic and German “courtyards” of foreign merchants, to the north, south and east of the Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral – the main temple of the courtyard. The territory of the courtyard also extended to the west of “St. Nicholas” (under 1462, the chronicle of Abraham reports a fire that began opposite “St. Nicholas in the prince’s yard, on the shore”[4], and meant the right bank of the Volkhov, located to the west of the cathedral; from this mention it follows that to the west of the Yaroslav’s courtyard already at that time reached Volkhov).

Under the year 1410, the Novgorod IV Chronicle reports the construction of the Church of the Myrrh-Bearing Women “on the courtyard”, which is located next to the Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral, to the southwest of it [not in the source]. The northern border of Yaroslav’s courtyard, as archaeological excavations have shown, was in the immediate vicinity of the Nikolo-Dvorishchensky Cathedral (already 2 m from the walls of which another tract began — the Auction). The southern border of the courtyard was at the Gothic Courtyard, that is, at the level of the northern facade of the current hotel “Russia”. The eastern border has not been precisely established, obviously, it took place in the area of modern Bolshaya Moskovskaya Street.

Yaroslav’s courtyard got its name after Prince Yaroslav, later nicknamed the Wise. During the period of Novgorod independence, the word “courtyard” was used, while the word “courtyard” was first used in the Pskov II Chronicle under 1477 in connection with the frank intention of Ivan III to abolish the Novgorod Veche system. Since the Moscow period, the use of the word “courtyard” has become permanent. Judging by the name, the appearance of this courtyard dates back to the turn of the X-XI centuries. For the first time the phrase “Yaroslavl yard” is mentioned in the Ipatiev Chronicle under 1149, which excludes the possibility of the occurrence of this toponym in connection with the name of another Russian prince. A relatively late, but preserved fragments of the ancient Novgorod chronicle, the Novgorod III Chronicle (under 1030) explains the origin of the name of the tract “Yaroslavovo Dvorishche”


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