Все апартаменты

Superior with balcony No. 12
Superior room with balcony in the Veliky Novgorod hotel is an ideal choice for travelers who want to enjoy comfort and coziness during their stay in the city.

Superior with balcony No.4
Veliky Novgorod is waiting for you! The Superior room with a balcony in the Veliky Novgorod hotel is convenience and comfort, coziness and the opportunity to enjoy the views of the ancient city directly from the balcony of your own room.

Superior with balcony No.13
Choose a Superior room with a balcony if you want to enjoy coziness and comfort during your stay in Veliky Novgorod.

Superior with balcony No. 5
If you value coziness and comfort, stay at our hotel in Veliky Novgorod. We guarantee you high-quality service throughout your stay in our room.
Адрес отеля:
Великий Новгород, ул. Черняховского, 14
Адреса аппартаментов:
"Домашнее тепло": Великий Новгород, Речная улица, 8
"Домашний уют": Великий Новгород, Речная улица, 4
"Речная": Великий Новгород, Речная улица, 4
Телефон для справок
8 (911) 611-12-13